200 Error: Failed to open the password file\n\nUnable to log you on!\n\nPlease contact your system administrator 201 Error: Unable to update password\nwhile the system administrator is\nmaintaining it! 202 Error: New password and\nconfirmation are different! 203 Error: Invalid password 204 Error: Invalid user ID 205 Error: The user ID and password\nmust both be entered 206 Error: User already exists! 207 Error: The System Administrator\nis already maintaining passwords!\n\nOnly one system administrator\nmay maintain passwords at a time 208 Your password has been\nsuccessfully changed 209 Error: The password file has been\neither tampered with or corrupted 210 Application Setup file Maintenence Utility 211 5.01.001/32 212 Version 5.01.001 / 32-bit Windows 95/NT 213 Copyright © 1993 - 1997 GPP Software 214 4153 1001 Create a new project file 1002 Open an existing project file 1003 Save the currently open project file 1004 Save the currently open project file with a new name 1005 Close the currently open project file 1006 Change settings of currently selected file 1007 Delete the selected file from the project 1008 Move the current file up the project list 1009 Move the current file down the project list 1010 Encrypt or un-encrypt an existsing script file 1011 Exit the Setup Builder program 1012 Open this project file 1013 Open this project file 1014 Open this project file 1015 Open this project file 1016 Open this project file 1017 Open this project file 1018 Open this project file 1019 Open this project file 1020 Open this project file 1021 Open this project file 2001 Cut the selected files out and place them on the clipboard 2002 Copy the selected files to the clipboard 2003 Paste the files on the clipboard into the current project 2004 Select all files 2005 Un-select all files 3001 Show or hide the toolbar 3002 Show or hide the status bar 3003 Toggle display of full file details 3004 Toggle display of install descriptions 4001 Change the files to be included in the project 4002 Change the bitmap files in the project 4003 Import a Visual Basic .MAK project into the current project 4004 Import third party vendor's components into the current project 4005 Maintain the directories to be created for an installation 4006 Set the project run-time backdrop display objects 4007 Change the program manager group settings 4008 Change the project attributes 4009 Change the project dialog box text 4010 Change the project user defined code 4011 Setup up optional installations for the user/installer 4012 Build the currently open project file 4013 Stop the project building process 4014 Test the currently open project file 5001 View the objects currently in the project 5002 Create a new object 5003 Modify an object's properties 5004 Delete an object from the project 5005 Modify/Add controls to an object 5006 Import an object to the project 6001 Arrange windows so they overlap 6002 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles 6003 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window 7002 Search for Help on a specific topic 7004 Display Setup Script language help 7005 Display program information, version number and copyright 10000 !Error: Unable to create project file! 10001 !Error: Unable to open the selected project! 10002 !Error: Unrecogised project (.PRJ) file! 10003 !Error: Unrecognised project (.PRJ) file version 10004 !Error: Too many files selected for project! 10005 Warning: This project has been moved from its original directory.\nDo you wish to rebuild the project file dependencies now ? 10006 !Error: Invalid directory name specified! 10007 !Error: Failed to open the selected file! 10008 !Warning: The selected script file is already encrypted! 10009 !Warning: The selected script file is already un-encrypted! 10010 !Error: Failed to execute interpreter program command:\n\n%1\n\nWinExec() returned error code (%2). 10011 ?3Are you sure you wish to delete this installation ? 10012 !Error: This installation already exists! 10013 !Error: There is no option to be modified! 10014 !Error: Invalid file name! 10015 !Error: Invalid object name! 10016 !Error: An object with this name already exists! 10017 !Error: Cannot add any more objects to the project! 10018 ?3Are you sure you wish to delete this object from the project ? 10019 !Error: The maximum number of controls allowed in an object has been reached!|Cannot add any more controls. 10020 !Error: Unrecogised Object file! 10021 !Error: Unrecognised Object File version! 10022 ?3Are you sure you wish to delete this control ? 10023 !Error: Failed to create the temporary preview script file '%1' ! 10024 !Error: Failed to find object file '%1'.\n\nUnable to continue! 10025 !Error: This object file already exists in the project! 10026 !Error: Invalid numeric value entered!\n\nAn integer value must be entered. 10027 !Error: Number out of range!\n\nA number from %1 to %2 must be entered. 10028 !Error: Data is required in this field! 10029 !Error: Cannot add any more optional installations to the project! 10030 !Error: This directory already exists in the list!\nIt cannot be added again. 10031 !Error: There is no directory to be modified! 10032 !Error: Cannot edit the main directory! 10033 !Error: Cannot delete the main directory! 10034 !Error: Cannot move the main directory! 10035 ?3Are you sure you wish to delete this directory ? 10036 !Error: Cannot add any more directories to the project! 11000 Opening project... 11001 Project successfully opened 11002 Building project... 11003 Project build complete 11004 New project created 11005 Project closed 11006 Saving project... 11007 Project successfully saved 11008 Saving project file list... 11009 Project file list saved 11010 Project build process cancelled 11011 An error occured during the build process 11012 Unable to allocate memory 11013 Reorganising file list... 11014 Project opening failed 11015 Deleting existing files on target drive/directory 11018 # Setup Builder generated ProJect file - Do not modify 11021 Copying %s (%ld bytes) 11022 Copying %s to INSTALL.EXE (%ld bytes) 11023 Copying %s (%ld bytes) 11024 Compressing %s to INST16.EX_ (%ld bytes) 11025 Copying %s (%ld bytes) 11026 Compressing %s to INST32.EX_(%ld bytes) 11027 Copying %s (%ld bytes) 11028 Compressing %s (%ld bytes) 11029 Copying %s (%ld bytes) 11030 Compressing %s (%ld bytes) 11031 Copying %s (%ld bytes) 11032 Copying %s (%ld bytes) 11033 Copying backdrop %s... (%ld bytes) 11034 Importing Visual Basic project... 11035 Visual Basic project file successfully imported 11036 Import aborted 11037 Encrypting script file... 11038 Un-encrypting script file... 11039 Copying %s (%ld bytes) 11040 Saving bitmaps... 11041 Bitmaps saved 12000 MessageBox("Setup is attempting to overwrite:|| 12001 |(%SDate% %STime% %SLen% Bytes)||with:||%CurrentDrive%\ 12002 |(%DDate% %DTime% %DLen% Bytes)||Are you sure you wish to overwrite this file ?", "%Caption%", MB_YESNO, MB_ICONQUESTION) 12003 Backdrop Files (*.BKD)|*.BKD|Dialog Files (*.DLG)|*.DLG|Cue Card Files (*.CUE)|*.CUE|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 12004 Bitmap Files (*.BMP)|*.BMP|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 12005 Icon Files (*.ICO)|*.ICO|Executable Files (*.EXE)|*.EXE|Library Files (*.DLL)|*.DLL|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 12006 Text 12007 Edit 12008 GroupBox 12009 Icon 12010 Bitmap 12011 CheckBox 12012 RadioButton 12013 Button 12014 ColourBlock 12015 ListBox 12016 ComboBox 12017 DropList 12030 Left|Right|Centre| 12031 Top|Bottom|Centre| 12032 Left|Right|Centre| 12033 Left|Right| 12034 0|1|2|3| 12035 None|Upper|Lower| 12036 None|Border| 12037 Courier|Courier New|MS Sans Serif|MS Serif|Small Fonts|Symbol|System|Times New Roman| 12038 %WindowsDirectory%|%SystemDirectory%| 12039 Do not copy file|Display in gauge| 12040 No overwrite confirmation|Confirm overwrite if file exists|Confirm overwriting newer file only| 12041 No|Yes| 12042 EX_|DL_|IN_|TX_|HL_|SY_|VB_| 12043 None|/REGSERVER|DllSelfRegister| 14000 &Ok 14001 &Ok 14002 &Ok 14003 &Ok 14004 &Ok 14005 &Ok 14006 &Ok 14010 &Cancel 14011 &Cancel 14012 &Annuler 14013 &Abbrechen 14014 &Cancella 14015 &Cancelar 14016 A&nnuleren 14020 E&xit 14021 E&xit 14022 &Sortir 14023 &Abbruch 14024 &Annulla 14025 &Salir 14026 &Afsluiten 14030 &Quit 14031 &Quit 14032 &Quitter 14033 &Schliessen 14034 &Termina 14035 &Salir 14036 Afsluiten 14040 &About 14041 &About 14042 &A Propos de 14043 &Info 14044 &Informazioni su 14045 &Acerca de 14046 &Info 14050 &Retry 14051 &Retry 14052 &Ré-essayer 14053 &Wiederholen 14054 &Riprova 14055 &Reintentar 14056 Nogmaals 14060 &Ignore 14061 &Ignore 14062 &Ignorer 14063 &Ignorieren 14064 &Ignora 14065 &Ignorar 14066 Negeren 14070 &Install 14071 &Install 14072 &Installer 14073 &Installieren 14074 &Installa 14075 &Instalar 14076 &Installeer 14080 &De-Install 14081 &De-Install 14082 &Désinstaller 14083 &De-Installieren 14084 &De-Installa 14085 &Desinstalar 14086 &De-installeer 14090 &Continue 14091 &Continue 14092 &Continuer 14093 &Weiter 14094 &Continua 14095 &Continuar 14096 &Doorgaan 14100 Source File 14101 Source File 14102 Fichier Source 14103 Quell-Datei 14104 File Sorgente 14105 Fichero Origen 14106 Bron Bestand 14110 Destination File 14111 Destination File 14112 Fichier cible 14113 Ziel-Datei 14114 File Destinazione 14115 Fichero Destino 14116 Doel Bestand 14120 &Add 14121 &Add 14122 &Ajouter 14123 &Hinzufügen 14124 &Aggiunge 14125 &Añadir 14126 &Toevoegen 14130 &Modify 14131 &Modify 14132 &Modifier 14133 &Bearbeiten 14134 &Modifica 14135 &Modificar 14136 &Wijzigen 14140 &Update 14141 &Update 14142 &Enregistrer 14143 &Aktualisieren 14144 &Aggiorna 14145 &Actualizar 14146 &Bijwerken 14150 &Delete 14151 &Delete 14152 &Détruire 14153 &Löschen 14154 &Elimina 14155 &Borrar 14156 &Verwijderen 14160 &New 14161 &New 14162 &Créer 14163 &Neu 14164 &Nuova 14165 &Nuevo 14166 &Nieuw 14170 &Help 14171 &Help 14172 &Aide 14173 &Hilfe 14174 &Help 14175 &Ayuda 14176 &Help 14180 &Back 14181 &Back 14182 &Précédent 14183 &Zurück 14184 &Precedente 14185 &Anterior 14186 &Terug 14190 &Next 14191 &Next 14192 &Suivant 14193 &Nächst 14194 &Successivo 14195 &Siguiente 14196 Volgen&de 14200 User Name 14201 User Name 14202 Nom 14203 Name 14204 Nome Utente 14205 Nombre del Usuario 14206 Naam Gebruiker 14210 Company Name 14211 Company Name 14212 Organisation 14213 Firma 14214 Name Azienda 14215 Nombre de la Empresa 14216 Bedrijfsnaam 14220 Path: 14221 Path: 14222 Chemin d'accès: 14223 Pfad: 14224 Path: 14225 Camino: 14226 Pad: 15000 Starting %Application% Setup... 15002 Installation de %Application% en cours d'initialisation... 15003 Initialisiere %Application% Setup... 15004 Avviamento Setup di %Application%... 15005 Iniciando la instalación %Application%... 15006 Installatie %Application% loopt... 15010 Please insert the diskette labelled '$' 15011 Please insert the diskette labeled '$' 15012 Veuillez insérer la disquette '$' 15013 Bitte legen Sie die Diskette mit der Aufschrift '$' in das Laufwerk 15014 Prego inserire il disco indicato con '$' 15015 Por favor, inserta al diskette '$' 15016 Stop diskette '$' in het diskette station 15020 Welcome to the %Application% Installation Program. 15022 Bienvenue dans le programme d'installation de %Application%. 15023 Willkommen bei der %Application% Installation. 15024 Benvenuti nel programma di installazione di %Application%. 15025 Bienvenido al programa de instalación %Application%. 15026 Welkom bij het installatie programma %Application%. 15030 This program will install the %Application% software in the directory you specify on your hard disk. 15032 Ce programme installera le logiciel %Application% sur le disque et dans le répertoire que vous préciserez. 15033 Dieses Programm installiert %Application% auf Ihrer Festplatte in dem von Ihnen angegebenen Verzeichnis. 15034 Questo programma installera' %Application% nella directory da voi specifata sul vostro Hard Disk. 15035 Este programa instalará el software %Application% en la unidad y directorio que especifiques. 15036 Dit programma zal de %Application% software installeren in de door u opgegeven directory op uw harde schijf. 15040 (Compuserve ID: 100105,536)||Setup is supplied with the Setup Builder|software and is the copyright of G.Plowman 15042 (Compuserve ID: 100105,536)||Setup est fourni avec le logiciel Setup Builder|Copyright G.Plowman 15043 (Compuserve ID: 100105,536)||Setup wird zusammen mit dem Setup Builder|ausgeliefert; Copyright G.Plowman 15044 (Compuserve ID: 100105,536)||Setup e' fornito con il Software Setup Builder|ed e' Copyright di G.Plowman 15045 (Compuserve ID: 100105,536)||Setup se proporciona con el Setup Builder|el software y el copyright es de G.Plowman 15046 (Compuserve ID: 100105,536)||Setup wordt geleverd door de Setup Builder|software onder copyright van G. Plowman 15050 Please make a selection from the following options: 15052 Veuillez sélectionner l'un des choix suivants: 15053 Bitte wählen Sie aus den folgenden Optionen: 15054 Prego selezionare una delle seguenti opzioni: 15055 Por favor, salecciona una de las siguientes opciones: 15056 Maak een selectie uit een van de volgende opties: 15060 Install the %Application% software 15062 Installer le logiciel %Application% 15063 %Application% installieren 15064 Installare %Application% 15065 Instalar el software %Application% 15066 Installeer de %Application% software 15070 Un-Install %Application% 15072 Supprimer %Application% 15073 %Application% deinstallieren 15074 De-Installare %Application% 15075 Desinstalar %Application% 15076 De-installeer %Application% 15080 The %Application% software is about to be removed from your machine.||All files, directories and the appropriate Program Manager Group will be deleted.||Are you sure you wish to continue ? 15082 Le logiciel est sur le point d'être effacé de votre disque.||Tous les fichiers, répertoires et groupes de programmes seront détruits.||Souhaitez-vous poursuivre ? 15083 %Application% wird von Ihrem Computer entfernt.||Alle Dateien, Verzeichnisse und die zugehörige Gruppe im Programm-Manager werden gelöscht.||Sind Sie sicher, daß Sie fortfahren wollen ? 15084 %Application% sta per essere rimosso dalla vostra macchina.||Tutti i files, directories e l' appropriato gruppo di Program Manager verranno cancellati.||Desiderate continuare ? 15085 El software %Application% se borrará de la máquina.||Todos los ficheros, directorios y grupos del Administrador de Programas serán borrados.||¿Quieres continuar ? 15086 De %Application% software zal van uw machine worden verwijderd.||Alle bestanden, directories en de toegewezen Programmabeheer Groep zullen worden verwijderd.||Wilt u toch doorgaan ? 15090 De-installation aborted - the %Application% software has not been deinstalled. 15092 Suppression interrompue - le logiciel %Application% n'a pas été effacé du disque. 15093 Deinstallation abgebrochen - %Application% wurde nicht gelöscht. 15094 De-installazione annullata - %Application% non e' stato de-installato. 15095 Desinstalacion cancelada - el software %Application% no ha sido desinstalado. 15096 De-installatie afgebroken - de %Application% software is niet gede-installeerd. 15100 The %Application% software has been successfully de-installed. 15102 Le logiciel %Application% a été effacé du disque avec succès. 15103 %Application% wurde erfolgreich deinstalliert. 15104 %Application% e' stato de-installato con successo. 15105 El software %Application% ha sido satisfactoriamente desinstalado. 15106 De %Application% software is succesvol gede-installeerd. 15110 To re-install the %Application% software you should re-run the installation program. 15112 Pour installer à nouveau le logiciel %Application%, vous devrez relancer ce programme d'installation. 15113 Um %Application% erneut zu installieren, müssen Sie dieses Installationsprogramm nochmals starten. 15114 Per re-installare %Application% dovrete riavviare il programma di installazione. 15115 Para reinstalar el software %Application% debes ejecutar el programa de instalación de nuevo. 15116 Om deze %Application% software opnieuw te installeren, dient u dit installatie programma opnieuw op te starten. 15120 The %Application% software has not been correctly installed. 15122 Le logiciel %Application% n'a pas été correctement installé. 15123 %Application% wurde nicht ordnungsgemäß installiert. 15124 %Application% non e' stato correttamente installato. 15125 El software %Application% no ha sido instalado correctamente. 15126 De %Application% software is niet korrekt geïnstalleerd. 15130 The De-installation procedure is unable to de-install the %Application% software. 15132 La procédure de suppression ne peut pas effacer le logiciel %Application%. 15133 Die Deinstallations-Routine kann %Application% nicht deinstallieren. 15134 La procedura di De-installazione non puo' de-installare %Application%. 15135 Es imposible la desinstalación de el software %Application%. 15136 Voor de-installatie procedure is het niet mogelijk de %Application% software te de-installeren. 15140 The install program will copy the %Application% files into the following directory: 15142 Le programme d'installation copiera les fichiers du logiciel %Application% dans le répertoire suivant: 15143 Das Installationsprogramm kopiert die Dateien von %Application% in das Verzeichnis: 15144 Il programma di installazione copiera' i files di %Application% nella seguente directory: 15145 El programa de instalación copiará los ficheros %Application% en el siguiente directorio: 15146 Het installatie programma zal de %Application% bestanden in de volgende directory kopiëren: 15150 The %Application% software requires %Required% bytes of disk space and there is only %Space% bytes free on your %InstallDrive% drive.||Do you wish to continue to install the software ? 15152 Le logiciel %Application% nécessite %Required% octets d'espace disque alors qu'il reste seulement %Space% octets libres sur le disque %InstallDrive%.||Souhaitez-vous continuer ? 15153 %Application% benötigt %Required% Bytes auf der Festplatte, aber auf Ihrem Laufwerk %InstallDrive% sind nur %Space% Bytes frei.||Wollen Sie die Installation trotzdem fortsetzen ? 15154 %Application% requires %Required% bytes di spazio libero su disco ,ma ci sono solo %Space% bytes liberi sul vostro %InstallDrive% drive.||Desiderate continuare l'installazione ? 15155 El software %Application% necesita %Required% bytes de espacio libre en disco y solo hay %Space% bytes libres en la unidad %InstallDrive%.||¿Quieres continuar con la instalación ? 15156 De %Application% software heeft %Required% bytes harde schijf ruimte nodig, en er is maar %Space% bytes vrij op uw %InstallDrive% schijf.||Wilt u toch doorgaan met de installatie ? 15160 Setup has found that the file:||$||is already in use by Windows.||Do you wish to overwrite it anyway ? 15162 Le fichier:||$||est utilisé par Windows.||Voulez-vous le remplacer ? 15163 Setup hat bemerkt, daß die Datei||$||bereits von einem anderen Windows-Programm benutzt wird.||Wollen Sie sie wirklich überschreiben ? 15164 Il Setup ha rilevato che il file:||$||e' gia' in uso da Windows.||Confermate la sovrascrittura ? 15165 Setup ha encontrado que el fichero:||$||está en uso por Windows.||¿Quieres sobreescribirlo ? 15166 Setup ziet dat het bestand:||$||al in gebruik is door Windows.||Wilt u het toch overschrijven ? 15170 Please enter the following licensing information for the %Application% software: 15172 Veuillez entrer les informations de licence suivantes: 15173 Bitte geben Sie die Lizenzinformationen für %Application% ein: 15174 Prego inserire le seguenti informazioni di licenza per %Application%: 15175 Por favor, introduce la información de licencia para el software %Application%: 15176 Geef de volgende licentie informatie voor de %Application% software: 15180 An error occured during installation of the %Application% software. 15182 Une erreur s'est produite pendant l'installation du logiciel %Application%. 15183 Während der Installation von %Application% trat ein Fehler auf. 15184 Un errore e' avvenuto durante l'installazione di %Application%. 15185 Un error ocurrió durante la instalación del software %Application%. 15186 Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de installatie van de %Application% software. 15190 |The %Application% software has not been fully installed. 15192 |Le logiciel %Application% n'a pas été correctement installé. 15193 |%Application% wurde nicht vollständig installiert. 15194 |%Application% non e' stato completamente installato. 15195 |El software %Application% no ha sido correctamente instalado. 15196 |De %Application% software is niet volledig geïnstalleerd. 15200 Installation has been terminated. You should re-run this installation program at a later time to install %Application%. 15202 L'installation est terminée. Vous devrez relancer ce programme d'installation ultérieurement pour installer le logiciel %Application%. 15203 Die Installation wurde abgebrochen. Um %Application% zu installieren, müssen Sie das Installationsprogramm später noch einmal ausführen. 15204 L'Installazione e' stata terminata. Dovrete riavviare questo programma di installazione successivamente per installare %Application%. 15205 La instalación ha sido terminada. Debes ejecutar el programa de instalación de nuevo para instalar el software %Application%. 15206 De installatie is afgebroken. U kunt dit installatie programma op een ander tijdstip starten om %Application% te installeren. 15210 |The %Application% software has not been installed. 15212 |%Application% wurde nicht installiert. 15213 |Le logiciel %Application% n'a pas été installé. 15214 |%Application% non e' stato installato. 15215 |El software %Application% no ha sido instalado. 15216 |De %Application% software is niet geïnstalleerd. 15220 |%Application% installation has been successfully completed. 15222 |L'installation de %Application% s'est accomplie avec succès. 15223 |Die Installation von %Application% wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. 15224 |%Application% e' stato completamente installato. 15225 |El software %Application% ha sido correctamente instalado. 15226 |%Application% is succesvol geïnstalleerd. 15240 Setup is attempting to overwrite:||$OLDFILE$|($OLDDATE$ $OLDTIME$ $OLDSIZE$ Bytes)||with:||$NEWFILE$|($NEWDATE$ $NEWTIME$ $NEWSIZE$ Bytes)||Are you sure you wish to overwrite this file ? 15242 Le fichier '$OLDFILE$' existe déjà.||Voulez-vous le remplacer ? 15243 Setup hat bemerkt, daß die Datei '$OLDFILE$' bereits existiert.||Wollen Sie sie wirklich überschreiben ? 15244 Il Setup ha rilevato che il file '$OLDFILE$' e' gia' esistente.||Confermate la sovrascrittura ? 15245 Setup ha encontrado que el fichero '$OLDFILE$' ya existe.||¿Quieres sobreescribirlo ? 15246 Setup ziet dat het bestand '$OLDFILE$' al bestaat.||Weet u zeker dat u dit bestand wilt overschrijven ? 15250 Copying: 15252 Copie: 15253 Kopiere: 15254 Sto Copiando: 15255 Copiando: 15256 Bezig met kopi0 ren: 15260 Setup can create a Program Manager group|for the %Application% application.||Do you wish to create a Program Manager group and icons ? 15262 L'installation peut créer un groupe de programmes pour le logiciel %Application%.||Souhaitez-vous créer un groupe de programmes et ses icônes ? 15263 Setup kann für %Application% eine Gruppe im Programm-Manager erstellen.||Möchten Sie eine Gruppe mit|den entsprechenden Symbolen erstellen ? 15264 Il Setup puo' creare un gruppo Program Manager per l'applicazione %Application%.||Desiderate creare un gruppo Program Manager con icone ? 15265 Setup puede crear un grupo en el Administrador de Programas para el software %Application%.||¿Quieres crearlo ? 15266 Setup kan een Programmabeheer Groep creëren|voor de %Application% applicatie.||Wilt u een Programmabeheer Groep en iconen creëren ? 15270 Uncompressing... 15272 Décompresse... 15273 Dekomprimiere... 15274 Decompressione... 15275 Descomprimiendo... 15276 Uitpakken... 15280 |Failed to create the installation directory '%MakeDir%'. 15282 |Echec lors de la création du répertoire d'installation '%MakeDir%'. 15283 |Installations-Verzeichnis '%MakeDir%' konnte nicht angelegt werden. 15284 | 15285 |Hubo un error al intentar crear el directorio '%MakeDir%'. 15286 |Het is creëren van de installatie directory '%MakeDir%' is mislukt. 15290 |Unable to install the %Application% software in the specified directory. 15292 |Impossible d'installer le logiciel %Application% dans le répertoire indiqué. 15293 |Kann %Application% nicht im angegebenen Verzeichnis installieren. 15294 | 15295 |Imposible instalar el software %Application% en el directorio especificado. 15296 |Het is niet mogelijk de %Application% software in de gespecificeerde directory te installeren. 16000 DISK01 16001 DISK02 16002 DISK03 16003 DISK04 16004 DISK05 16005 DISK06 16006 DISK07 16007 DISK08 16008 DISK09 16009 DISK10 16010 DISK11 16011 DISK12 16012 DISK13 16013 DISK14 16014 DISK15 16015 DISKS01 16016 DISKS02 16017 DISKS03 16018 DISKS04 16019 DRIVE01 16020 DRIVE02 16021 FORM 16022 KEY01 16023 KEY02 16024 KEY03 16025 KEY04 16026 KEY05 16027 KEY06 16028 KEY07 16029 KEYBRD01 16030 KEYBRD02 16031 KEYBRD03 16032 KEYS01 16033 KEYS02 16034 KEYS03 16035 MAC01 16036 MAC02 16037 MAC03 16038 MAC04 16039 MDICHILD 16040 MDIPARNT 16041 MONITR01 16042 MOUSE01 16043 MOUSE02 16044 MOUSE03 16045 MOUSE04 16046 PC01 16047 PC02 16048 PC03 16049 PC04 16050 SETUP 16051 TRASH01 16052 TRASH02A 16053 TRASH02B 16054 TRASH03 16055 TRASH04A 16056 TRASH04B 16500 X Coordinate 16501 Y Coordinate 16502 Width 16503 Height 16504 Horizontal Position 16505 Vertical Position 16506 Bitmap 16507 Caption 16508 Text Alignment 16509 Text Alignment 16510 Font Size 16511 Shadow Offset 16512 Foreground Colour 16513 Shadow Colour 16514 Icon Name 16515 Variable 16516 Control ID 16517 Edit Length 16518 Case 16519 Border 16520 Tile 16521 Font Name 16522 Font Bold 16523 Sort List 16530 Target Location 16531 Copy Comment 16532 File Usage 16533 Check if in Use 16534 Confirmation 16535 Overwriting Message 16536 Compress 16537 Compress Extension 16538 Optional Inclusion 16539 Add to Registry 16540 Make Icon 16541 Icon Text 16542 Icon Parameters 16543 Icon File 16544 Icon Index 16545 Working Directory 16546 Unprotect Before Copy 16547 Protect After Copy 16548 Cue Card 16549 Optional Installs 16550 OLE Registration 57344 Setup Builder 57345 Ready 57666 List Help topics 57668 Display instructions about how to use help 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next window 61189 Switch to the previous window 61190 Close the window and prompts to save the project 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61215 Activate this window 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61504 on %1 61505 &One Page 61506 &Two Page 61507 Page %u 61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n 61509 prn 61510 Output.prn 61511 Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61512 Print to File 61513 to %1 61588 Linked %s 61589 Unknown Type 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels